Benoit Jones


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A list of publications and presentations by Benoit Jones.

Published papers

Jones, B.D. (2005). Measurements of ground pressure on sprayed concrete tunnels using radial pressure cells. Proc. Underground Construction 2005, London, UK. London: Brintex.
Jones, B.D., Stärk, A. & Thomas, A.H. (2005). The importance of stress measurement in a holistic sprayed concrete tunnel design process. Proc. Int. Cong. Tunnelling for a Sustainable Europe, Chambéry, France, pp.433-440. Lyon: Spécifique JLP.
Blockley, D. & Godfrey, P. (2005). Measuring judgements to improve performance. Proc. ICE Civil Engineering, Vol.158, No.3, August 2005. Discussion contribution by Benoit Jones.
Jones, B.D., Thomas, A.H. & Clayton, C.R.I. (2004). Interpretation of pressure cells in sprayed concrete tunnel linings. Rock Engineering Theory and Practice, Proc. of the ISRM Regional Symp. Eurock 2004 & Geomechanics Colloquy (ed. Schubert), Salzburg, Austria, pp.233-236. Essen: Verlag Glückauf GmbH.
Jones, B.D. (2007). Stresses in sprayed concrete tunnel junctions. EngD thesis, University of Southampton.
Jones, B.D. (2007). Design of SCL tunnels in soft ground using Eurocodes. EURO:TUN 2007, ECCOMAS Scientific Conference on Computational Methods in Tunnelling, August 27-29, Vienna, Austria. Vienna University of Technology.

Talks and Presentations

April 2007: Presentation on "Evaluation of the LaserShell tunnelling method" at the symposium on Construction Processes in Geotechnical Engineering held at City University, London.
October 2005: Presentation of paper "Measurements of ground pressure on sprayed concrete tunnels using radial pressure cells" at Underground Construction 2005, in Olympia, London
June 2005: Lecture on "Design of sprayed concrete tunnels" at the BTS course on Tunnelling Design and Construction held at the University of Surrey.
June 2005: Poster presentation at the 3rd Annual BGA Conference, held at the ICE, London.
May 2005: Poster presentation at the EngD Seminar Day, held at the University of Southampton.
October 2004: Poster presentation of "The interpretation of pressure cells in sprayed concrete linings" at the 53rd Geomechanics Colloquium, Salzburg.
June 2004: Poster presentation at the 2nd Annual BGA Conference, held at the ICE, London.
May 2004: Presentation of research at the EngD Seminar Day, held at the University of Southampton.
February 2004: Presentation of research at the Geomechanics Research Group Seminar, held at the University of Southampton.